Morita Products
Experience only the best in dental handpieces.
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High Speed handpiece
Small, ergonomic and high-powered – these are characteristics of the new TwinPower Ultra Series. With their small dimensions and simultaneous high power they make treatment easier in the molar area – with or without a mirror. The TwinPower Ultra (standard) offers 20 watts of power and even the TwinPower Ultra Mini with power of 18 watts and the smallest head in the Ultra Series family can hold standard burrs up to 20 mm length.
- Double-impeller technology
- Quick-stop system
- Zero suck back
- Compatible coupling system
- Ceramic ball bearings
- Radial air bypass
- Quiet operation
- Compact head
Call Hayes today for a Demo and pricing. phone 0411 404407

Low Speed handpiece
TorqTech straight and contra angle handpieces are ergonomically designed, the small head and shallow shaft angle make it easy for you to reach all treatment areas. Combined with the Torxmicromotor, you have a well-balanced instrument, designed for todays needs.