Dental Handpiece Repair, Service & Maintenance
Your Local Handpiece Repair Experts
At Hayes Australia we are the Factory Authorised Repair Agent for Morita and NSK Handpieces.
We also specialise in maintenance, service and repair of High Speed and Low Speed Dental Handpieces with Guaranteed Results:
High Speed & Low Speed Handpiece Repairs For
- Morita
- Kavo
- W&H / Adec
- Sirona / Siemens
- MK-Dent
- Impact Air
- BA International
- Bien Air
- Ask us about other brands as well for turbine / cartridge overhaul.
We Have Extensive Diagnostic Equipment
At Hayes we are one of the few handpiece repairers that have a concentricity gauge. This means we can press bearings off your turbine and check the balance and runout of you turbine.
If this passes all tests we can press new ceramic bearings on to your current turbine and save you money.
Standard Overhaul Includes
- Replacing bearings, o’rings and seals
- We only use ceramic bearings
- Concentricity check on turbine and spindle
- Cleaning of air and water lines
- Cleaning and polishing of external shell
- Testing under load at manufacture psi specification

Prompt Turn Around Time (2-3 days)
Hayes is able to offer our customer an option to save money on all handpiece repairs by choosing to go with our aftermarket turbines that have been tried and tested in the USA for over 28 years. We can offer this on all brands of handpieces.

Our Guarantee
Hayes aim is to provide your surgery with a handpiece repair management system that gives you more than you ever imagined.
Hayes guarantees all of our work.
Call our office for more info about your Handpiece Repair or just Book Online today.